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Systems Management is vital to preventing problems before they occur by helping you gain insights into the status and performance of your technology and improving security for your systems



Our self-service solutions empower you to think differently about your stores’ possibilities and empower your customers to take control of their shopping journey.



At Toshiba, we are passionate about retail transformation and solving the problems that retailers face everyday to help them create more engaging shopping experiences in the future.


Store of the Future

Today’s stores don’t just exist to help customers stock their pantries and tackle to-do lists – they’re in a unique position to deliver a personalized journey for customers.


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Discover how we're inspiring retail

  • Toshiba COVID-19 Information Page Learn how we are focusing on health, safety and business continuity during this global health event.
  • Create a Great Shopper Experience Analyzing Automated Checkout to Maintain a Customer-Centered Environment
  • TCx Elevate transforms point of sale at Grupo Éxito See how the Toshiba TCx Elevate platform helped Grupo Éxito deliver frictionless checkout to their customers

Toshiba COVID-19 Information Page: 

We are committed to our core vision of being the world’s most trusted provider of commerce solutions. Learn how we are focusing on health, safety and business continuity during this global health event.

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During a time where businesses are moving to limited interactions and low-touch checkout, high-volume retailers are seeking self-checkout solutions that accommodate the current retail landscape while streamlining operations and optimizing the balance between friction and risk.lty.

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See how the Toshiba TCx Elevate platform helped Grupo Éxito deliver frictionless checkout to their customers

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"Our partnership is resulting in a smoother experience for our shoppers using self-checkout by reducing the interventions they experience. Toshiba’s strength in applying machine learning and intelligence to the checkout process across our 2,200+ stores will enhance how we serve our shoppers and build greater trust with our loyal customers."
Executive VP and CIO at Albertsons Cos. 薄荷加速器最新版下载- 全方位下载:2021-2-20 · 在行一点免费版 在行一点最新版 在行一点app 在行一点手机版 BT手游之家 bt手游之家手游 ... 立马网游加速 立马游戏加速器 下载 office2021专用卸载工具 office2021专用卸载工具下载 office卸载工 …
“Retailers require solutions to simplify complex workloads for market pricing, inventory control, customer service and loyalty programs while elevating shopper engagement and optimizing sales opportunities.”
Intel IOTG Vice President and General Manager for Retail, Banking, Hospitality and Education. Learn how Intel and Toshiba optimizing store operations
“Toshiba earned our business based on three criteria: superior product, speed to implementation, and world-class service and support. Quite frankly, it wasn’t even close.”
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Solutions designed for Retail

TCx™ Sky OS
TCx™ Pay
TCX™ 800
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TCx™ 800 All-in-One POS Platform Infographic.

Designed for retail, this top-ranked POS system excels in usability, flexibility, serviceability and architecture.

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